PitaPata Cat tickers

Friday, March 19, 2010

Kitty Journal 45 - Another Rescue Effort

Opps, I did it again. Reminds me of Britney Spear's song and I have to admit it, I did it again. I rescued another cat. This time it's the black tabby dslh that has been hanging around my corridor. He looked beautiful at first, and I thought he belongs to someone but I was wrong (dead wrong to be exact).

After seeing him on and off these past 2 months (and feeding him whenever he comes to my door), I decided to cat nab him. I don't care if he was someone's cat, since he was looking worse each time he came to my door. I can see him so hungry, and patches of ringworm starting to be more visible on his head and scruff.

I took him in and gave him a bath (anti flea / mite shampoo of course). While bathing, I checked his claws and it was not as sharp as I thought it was. He was so skinny, practically skin and bones and his ringworm was a lot worse than I anticipated. I called my bf and decided to bring him to the vet the next morning.

At the vet, they gave him ringworm shot and a dose of Frontline, to curb the mites running around on his skin. We asked the vet to give anti-fungal cream to be applied on his skin. The vet told me the ear drop I bought months before can be used to cure ringworm too. But to be on the safe side, I asked for the cream (I wasn't sure if the ear drop is enough, I used it quite frequently to clean my other cats' ears).

Thus begin the extra careful, cleaning days of my life (it reminds me of the days I brought in the late Neko-chan into the household). Everyday I have to put anti-fungal cream on the cat and maintain a strict disinfecting routine. I cleaned the area outside the cage and the equipment I used since ringworm can spread easily to human (or other animals). Phew, I sure feels like a microbiology student *sweat*..all these sterilization and whatnot. Hopefully the black tabby (Oh yes, we named him 'Slim' since he's so skinny and it goes well with my other cats name i.e Sherbet and Salem) will get better in a week or two. Last time I treated the late Neko-chan, she got better after a week. Good luck to me and Slim now! *thumbs up*

Hello, my name is Slim

I may look healthy but I am quite sick :(

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