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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kitty Journal 34 - Trial For Me

After the incident with Neko-chan, I was more anxious about my other cats. Since her death was somewhat shrouded mystery, the actual reason her liver problem / failure was not known. I was afraid it was something contagious. I decided to change vet when the vet I went to before told me to wait until everything settles down when I asked if I should bring my other cats for blood test. I find it rather odd, and alarming. I went to another vet, recommended by a friend who is really good with cats. I even called the vet in advanced and asked for opinion whether I should do blood tests on my other cats.

Since I goes around on motorbike with my bf, we decided to bring one cat at a time. Salem was chosen to go first and we endured the loud mews until we arrived at the vet. He was quiet at the vet and slightly frighten but as usual Mr-Stress-Free-Salem went in to see the vet with tail erect and purrs. He is always the happy cat. We were shown the FeLV test and I was relieved to see it negative. Vet told us the blood test result would be ready the next day and will give me a call when they get the result. I went back home with Salem and asked my bf's opinion when to bring in Sherbet. I have to say, cat's bill was really denting my pocket. But I love them and I don't want to suffer another loss. After discussing, we decided to bring in Sherbet the next day. It's better to bring him early and be at ease rather than being too late.

Vet called me in the afternoon and told us Salem's blood test looks very good. Everything is normal and healthy. Can't say how relieved I was to hear that news. One live has been spared, and I was glad Mr-Nosy-But-Stress-Free-Salem is clear of diseases. That evening we brought in Sherbet for testing. He was scared (he is the coward in the household) but he was happy during examination. His temperature was slightly higher, I'm guessing due to being very scared during the journey. He was also tested negative for FeLV (Feline Leukimia Virus) and I felt another weight has been lift off my shoulder. We brought Sherbet back and waited patiently for the blood test results.

The next afternoon, vet called me but I was not relieved. They detected some abnormalities in the blood test. His platelet count was low and his liver test shown slightly higher numbers. Vet says it could be due to a lot of reasons, poisoning, viral infection, bacterial infection and further testing will show what the actual cause of liver problem. They told me to come in and take the medicine for Sherbet. I quickly got ready and went to the vet with my bf. We were told to give Sherbet the medicine one sachet a day for the next seven days and then do another blood test at the end of the seven days to see how his liver looks. I was told to separate my cats and not share food, water or the litter box. Hearing Sherbet has liver problem makes me remember the sad days of Neko-chan. I couldn't save her but by god I will save Sherbet. Hence the painful days of Sherbet in confinement. I had to clean the cage where I confined Neko-chan on her last days with disinfectant and then put Sherbet inside. He mews sadly whenever I pass by his room but it can't be helped. Unless the sickness was determined, he had to be separated from Salem.

This is another trial for me, I must stay strong and take care of my cats. I pity Sherbet mewing sadly in his cage but it's for his own good. Seven days of trial, seven days for my cats to be healthy. I pray that all will be well for my beloved cats, my dear family.

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